Energy-Tipps – vom 15.9.-ex-live-Site-Text

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gestern: 452
heute: 70 – willkommen!


„die spontane irrationale Handlung..!“
Die rasante Aktion..!
Oh, Dear!…
(„the rapid irrational action!“)

Und – hinterher
ists zu spät.


1 Uhr Berlin.
Der Regen hat aufgehört.

„Regard good fortune and bad fortune as the same.“

Also braucht dich das
vermeintliche Pech,
Unglück auch nicht runter-
Es ist alles wirklich bloß
unsere eigene Sicht der Dinge.

O D E R …..???

Aber ein Gedanke,
darüber nachgedacht zu werden…??

Es geht um den Energy-Flow….

Das „Glück“ beflügelt Dich,
das „Unglück“
ent-flügelt Dich…

Nimmst du die Energies als Energies…
kann die Kraft des Unglücks –
einen Energie-Schub ….
den das Glück
vielleicht niemals…?

Die deutschen Sprichwörter tun’s ne Nummer kleiner:


Fasst aber auch zu kurz.
Und zu einseitig.

Erlauben wir uns doch noch einen tieferen Blick –
auf die Survival-Tips

aus Far East –

„Euphoria in the face of seemingly good fortune and panic in the face of seemingly bad fortune are the same. Both are states of excitement that eventually change to become their opposite. They are interdependent with one another, appearing as different sides of the same coin. Both cause a shock.

If we can be neutral in our response to each extreme circumstance and find the middle way we will not exhaust our energy. We may think that only panic is a state of stress, but over-excitement and excess can also weaken the system.

Reacting forcefully usually meets with the same force coming back on us. Allowing space around what is happening so the high road of rapid irrational action and the low road of complete despondency do not take hold gives us more time to feel the stillness needed to face change.“

DESPONDENCY = Mutlosigkeit, Verzagtheit.

When change occurs we must acknowledge it.

It is hard to go through a cloud because we are unable to see the light until we come out of it, and we may yearn for it to go away so we can ‚get back to our old selves‘. However, if clouds never appeared we may not be able to strengthen ourselves and move forward in deeper ways. Clouds serve a valuable purpose and are as beneficial to us as the sun. If we long for clouds to disappear before we have understood their purpose we may only be living at the superficial level.

Change brings a brand new day. Embrace it. Open up to it.

This does not mean that we must be fearless.
If we are afraid in the present moment,
then we need to be with that fear,
but not to let it prevent us from moving forward.
Allowing it to be there
gives us the grace to experience a shift,
even in the face of fear.

There is always an unconscious power at work
that sustains our true efforts.

Und mit einem Sucht-Faktor-Song…
„Oh, Please don’t go!“
von der Band BARCELONA, aus Seattle,
vom Album „Absolutes“….hier…
mit Text..

Ein Song…schön auch zu zweit…
zu genießen…

Sehr sogar…!
Aber auch zum einfach „Reinfallen“ lassen….

Und zu träumen….

Kommt noch gut durch die Nacht…!